Into The Ring - Cherryable

Into The Ring

August 26, 2020


Into The Ring



Seo Gong Myung is an efficient and hard-nosed elite civil servant, who can multi-task with ease and is titled the ‘Number One Handsome Man’ on the District People's Committee. However, he is a cold, rigid, and independent person, who is deemed prickly and unapproachable at the best of times. Seo Gong Myung is guided by his moral convictions, which he staunchly adheres to, opting to do everything ‘by the book’. His lack of flexibility and his penchant for criticizing all those who enter his domain, not only serve to earn him the nickname ‘Great Lucifer’, but more enemies than friends. Goo Se Ra is a lower-class woman with little education or money, but can still talk a good game and punch well above her own weight. Known as the ‘Queen of Civil Complaints’, she’s a force to be reckoned with! She’s held many positions in the past, none of which have materialized into a stable source of income. Small wonder the opening on the District People's Council, with an annual salary of 50 million won for a mere 90 working days, could be just the ticket she needs to better her circumstances. The sparks start flying as the newly-demoted Seo Gong Myung and newbie Council member Goo Se Ra join forces to penalize corrupt politicians. (Source:https://mydramalist.com/55675-the-ballot)

Mini Review:

My initial biased theory on drama based on politics is something dark, gloomy and serious vibe, although I don’t have much experience on political based drama or movies, this was the image in my head for the longest time. Into The Ring is a political drama, which has a cut throat political background but the overall tone is far away from gloomy, it’s outright loud, crazy and hilarious.

The political world is messy and crazy (as to be expected) and in the center of it all arrived a person who just wants a well salaried job. Goo Se Ra (Nana) has no political connections, very basic understanding of it, but she treats this like any other workplace where she has to do her job well. Not because of any power, of wanting to do good will out of heart (which though she does mostly) she wants to get her work done following her own morals and promises, and while doing so she starts clashing against many  persons in their own fight for power.

Helping along this political journey of Goo Se Ra are her friends, family and childhood friend Seo Gong Myung (who did an excellent job of doing his own job and supporting Se Ra to be undefeatable). With each person the chemistry is so naturally realistic, much credit to the casting and the direction and acting. Her gradually developing relationship with Seo Gong Myung is the cherry on top of this wonderful drama.

 For me this is the first drama I have seen with Nana in it, so I didn’t knew what to except or even expectations as such. In the first two episodes she seemed as loud and overbearing character, but soon it was clear how wrong I had understood what a wonderful character this is. Nana’s way of portraying made me an absolute fan and she hard carried the whole show for me.

  Also the OSTs and BGMs of this show is spot on, it's been a long time since I have loved BGMs too! Must mention Goo Se Ra (Nana)'s laugh, it was a BGM in itself!

There is such a fresh perspective of presenting a drama, a natural flow of plot and the wonderful chemistry of the whole cast. Protagonist, antagonist, supporting character, each person is an absolute delight, no two people have similar vibes but each of them outshines the other.

Ending Notes:

🔺Watch for the awesome performance from the whole cast, a wonderful character Goo Se Ra and even better people surrounding her.

🔺This time shout out to Se Ra’s Father, Goo Young Tae!

🔺Even without Goo Se Ra and the sweet love track, one should definitely watch this show for the hilarious political world setup only; not one meeting has passed where I was not laughing at the district representatives various antics.

🔺A definite gem of drama, you should not miss.

Final Rating: 3.8/5 👀👀



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