About Me - Cherryable

About Me

Hi this is Cherry!

 A summer loving, Kdrama, Kshows, Kmovie and Kpop fanatic.. Fictional books, zodiacs and DIYs enthusiastic. 

Wayyyy back in 2015 I came across  a Mixed MV of Korean Drama featuring a Nepali song, and I loved the MV so so much, I frantically searched and ultimately found 

"City Hunter" 

(my 1st Drama)
and now in 2019 I have dived too much into the Korean Culture and loving every second of it.

This blog is being started to enjoy and talk about Currently running and completed Korean Drama, Movies, Shows, and Kpop with my fellow Korean Culture Enthusiasts and a tit bit of a Lifestyle Blogging challenge that I have started for me on the side, to keep up the motivation (otherwise queen of procrastination)!

With ever expanding interests welcome to Cherryable!

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