My Unfamiliar Family - Cherryable

My Unfamiliar Family

July 22, 2020

My Unfamiliar Family

(Source: https://mydramalist.com/55011-we-don-t-know-much-but-we-are-a-family)


Is blood thicker than water? Kim Eun Hee, is about to find out. She is the middle child in a family that is slowly starting to drift apart. Her older sister is a former patent attorney, and her younger brother is a sensitive soul. And although her father is hard-working, he is often distant – an attitude that has her mother poised to begin a new chapter in her life. While she pines for intimacy, Kim Eun Hee keeps her feelings hidden from her family. Instead, she prefers to confide in her close male college friend Park Chan Hyuk – a man who has become more like a brother to her than any of her real siblings. And it is to him that she turns for love advice as she looks to return to the dating scene after a long absence. But what happens when events take a turn? Could the family pull together in time to weather the storm? And when the going gets tough, will it be Kim Eun Hee’s family or her friends who step up to the plate? (Source: https://mydramalist.com/55011-we-don-t-know-much-but-we-are-a-family)    

Mini Review:

I didn’t start watching the drama as soon as it aired. The plot seemed interesting, the drama was on TvN (one of my favorite channel) some of the cast members I was already familiar with and liked, but even then I didn’t start watching it immediately as I knew this would lead to a much clash of opinions between the drama story and me.

 Anyhow I got roped in by the good reviews (everyone was posting up after some episodes were up) but the doubtful feeling I had even before starting stayed true throughout the drama.

The drama tells the story about a family, a relatable family, an everyday family, situations almost everyone has faced once, but it felt as if the story was only from the point of the view of the parents.

Their love, their struggle, their sacrifice, their difficulties and disappointments and all the related plot points of the children involved seemed stepping stones for more development on the parents plot. If that was the main theme, they I have nothing to complain, but from the plot description it feels like it could have been a story about every member of the family.

The 1st few episodes the story pace is really fast and a lot is happening at once, it provided perfect material for binge watching. And then the show started becoming about

  “how about we introduce everything possible in the world to make it more trendy and updated”.

As one plot after another being kept introduced it all got all complicated, with very little closure for the previous topic. I had no problem with the slow story pace, if some less issue were introduced, and the existing one the family actually acknowledged.

Also while their parents laid out all their problems and disappointments and sadness towards the end of show in front of their children, they were given the chance to get everything out in the open, while when the children spoke about their hurts their sadness (about small and big events in their lives), it was mostly ignored or solved by apology, but no no ever asked them why they did that or why they felt hurt. I felt most disappointed towards this aspect.

[Spoiler Alert]

Everyone in the family was very hurt and angry with maknae Ji woo’s decision to leave the family suddenly, but no one asked why he felt this burden from the family? Why he too this drastic decision? He was only blamed and with his guilt he kept apologizing. But when their mother decided on something similar to leave their family for wherever she wants to go or what she wants to do without anyone questioning, it was all very supported and appreciated. How is this very different from what Ji Woo did?


The one person who acknowledged, heard and tried to help was the one person who was biologically unrelated but most related to everyone in the family. Maybe that was why everyone felt comfortable coming over to him with the problems. Chan Hyuk did his best in helping people in the way they needed it, but felt really underappreciated in the series.

↬Also the part of the show that left the most impression on me was when Eun Joo had an absolute meltdown and how Eun Hee stayed strong and by her side through it all. The absolute strong bond between siblings shone that moment. 

I have much to say about this drama, like "some issue between siblings need to be sorted out between them only" and much more but that would end up a huge review instead a mini one.

Let’s just end by saying in every family, friendship, relationship; it’s not possible for everyone to know about everything. Some people know about some aspects of our lives, while others know about a different part naturally unfamiliarity is present in every relation.


Ending Notes:

🔺Give it a try for the good cast and story (which unlike me you can maybe agree with)

🔺Shout out to Eun Joo’s character which many people felt was too boring and rigid, for me she was perfectly portrayed. And shout out to the sibling bonding too!

🔺You would definitely find some moments between the family or the siblings or the friendship relatable.

🔺It ends on a happy note.

Final Rating: 2/5 👀

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