Part 2 -- Window Shopping Korean Dramas - Cherryable

Part 2 -- Window Shopping Korean Dramas

August 19, 2020


Window Shopping Korean Dramas 2

The drama of the hour is Love Is Annoying, But I Hate Being Lonely. This is about minor plot details, characters and what should you currently look forward to.

If you have already started watching them or planning to watch them, feel free to Window Shop with me before stepping into the store.


Click on the Drama Name for more details on the plot.


[Minor Spoiler]


Love Is Annoying, But I Hate Being Lonely



Anticipation Reason:

The trailer got my interest, Kim So Eun (Fan of her from WGM 4)

 and Ji Hyun Woo (Liked his episode on I Live Alone)

First Impression:

The first episode had a similar vibe to dramas around 2012-2014 times (I Need Romance 2, Flower Boy Next Door, A Gentleman’s Dignity)

People were a bit reckless, some characters already seemed unnecessary, and misunderstandings got too much stretched. Also too many typical “drama moments” (falling into arms, blanket?) for a first episode.

The second episode was much better in comparison. The characters are starting to take shape, some scenes funny and “drama moments” (bus/car scene) are subtle.

This drama till now is following along the known concept of one lead -- many possible love lines and good likable characters.

Also it has one episode per week, great for stress-free enjoyable watch!



Ji Hyun Woo first of his show I am watching, enjoyable character for now.

Kim So Eun she feels similar to her WGM self, good for me!

Stepping In points  3/5


Part 1 --- Window Shopping Korean Dramas


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