City Hunter – My First Look Into K-dramas - Cherryable

City Hunter – My First Look Into K-dramas

October 27, 2020


City Hunter – My First Look Into K-dramas


The story starts a long way back even before I got to know about Korean Dramas or even before the Drama City Hunter aired also. It starts at 2004, when on a family trip we came across local Nepali Songs while traveling and liked the songs so much we ended up buying the CD with our Tour Guide’s help.

Tumbling into quite a few years ahead in 2015 a discussion with my sister got us on a YouTube hunt to find those Nepali songs and among them one Nepali Song (which was only present as a trailer in our CD previously) was used as a BGM in a fan made video. The video was none other than clippings of City Hunter.

Immediately we took such a liking to the video clippings we went on a massive hunt to find the show, our only clue was that it was a Korean Drama. Both of us were not that tech savvy at that time and on searching Korean show a huge drop down list greeted us.

Finally we found the show by going through google image search with the keyword “Korean Drama Bus Scene” and behold City Hunter was waiting to be watched.

At that time even if online English Subbed sites were available we had no idea of it, and watched through YouTube uploaded videos, some were very poor qualities some with distorted audios but nevertheless we absolutely loved it!

The sleek and cool Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young’s acting, the OSTs, the action, and the drama everything was new to use and we kept re-watching the show.

[All Credits to Original Uploader]

That song, that FMV, that Drama is everything that brought us to the Korean Drama world we love now.

This post is a dedication to my first Korean drama love, my first drama crush and my first drama OTP while celebrating my 1 year of Blog Postings!





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