Life Lesson - Cherryable

Life Lesson

April 20, 2020

Hello! Today’s topic no 25 on the 50 posts challenge (Credit: https://www.lostgenygirl.com/100-lifestyle-blog-post-ideas/

Life Lesson

 [Picture Credit: Original Uploader]

A lesson I recently learned (not sure if it’s very important or a life lesson) is to just start.

The thing I am talking about is opening up a blog for me. Time and around I had kept on thinking I want to open up a blog, and I had gone through all that lengthy process upto actually starting a blog.

Exhibit A:

Opened up a blog with my sister randomly one day, it had a nice name, we were excited, and we made first  post of hello or something along that line. And that’s it, and a second post was made as far as I remember, but we didn’t keep up with it, mostly because we were not sure what to blog about. The End.

Exhibit B:

Planned up another blog with my bestie (referred as B, check our hot topics of conversations). We thought up a name, made a profile picture/logo picture (both were really nice), made a common email and set up the blog. Took us 2 days almost, and then we didn’t post a thing. Pretty sure everyone has this kind of hallway projects with friends.

This time finally, somehow I was determined to open up a blog.

I looked up step by step tutorials for blog setups for beginners.

While following them, suggestions of relatable topics of what else is required on a blog came up, followed what I thought was applicable for me, made stupid google searches and actually found answers (There’s lots of helpful blogs).

Halfway through the set up, I started jotting down what I want to write about actually, and as I am quite good in procrastinating, made myself find a topic (50 posts challenge) so that I keep on posting at least once every week.

Again while searching for topics, some topics regarding bloggers mistakes/blogging mistakes/what not to do came up, going through them I started overthinking and making up nonexistent scenarios.

So again I had to force myself to stop looking up those topics and focus on making that first post. Gave myself an ultimatum, I had to set up my blog make the first post by so and so date.

And finally I kept the promise I had made to myself, and made the first post, followed by a second, a third…. and today’s post no 25!

What I initially found stressful (courtesy to my overthinking) now I really enjoy it and look forward to writing up every week. The initial ideas I had jot down I have successfully posted, and try to think up other topics while watching dramas or reading other topics, which I want to share. It’s really fun!

So as I was saying at the beginning, I just had to start. For that I am really grateful to Gen Y Girl, and for everything else there is always google!

Congratulations to me for the 25 Posts!


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