Favorites Of The Past Half A Decade (2015-2020) - Cherryable

Favorites Of The Past Half A Decade (2015-2020)

April 29, 2020

Favorites Of
The Past Half A Decade

While going through new articles in MyDramalist, I really liked this one article where the member had jotted down her favorite dramas as a celebration of 10 years journey in Asian drama culture. It was a sweet experience of going through her drama journey.


This reminded me that I am also in now half a decade (2015-2020) experience and to celebrate 6 months of starting my blog I felt inspired me to make a list about my personal favorites.


The credit to the main article Mz4jun and thank you to her for this beautiful idea.


  •  My Asian drama journey started in 2015 but with an older drama City Hunter (2011) so can’t include that, would be including my top favorite in each year (2015-2020).


One of the best and most memorable dramas I have ever watched including my time before Asian dramas. The simple story of a neighborhood could not have been expressed better. A story about friendship and family and the little things in life. And let’s not forget about the wonderful OST and all the other songs used throughout the drama.

Close Call : Kill Me Heal Me
Honorable Mention : Oh My Ghostess


If I had to choose the best ever thriller drama I have come across it has to be Signal. The perfect casting the realistic portrayal the story-line that kept me up at night all scared till the time I completed it. It’s my forever favorite and I still keep on recommending it to anyone who is interested in thrillers and Asian Dramas.

Close Call : Age Of Youth


2017 is the year I started crying because too many of my favorites dramas happened this year. I could not get myself to choose one and kept pushing it to the last moment and finally took a deep breath and selected Chicago Typewriter. Let alone the cast and the amazing story-line, I started this drama with no expectation as I had no idea to what to look forward to. But this was absolutely the best choice I made as this was an important time for me and I wanted to make it memorable.

Close Call : Mad Dog, Save Me

        Honorable Mention : Tunnel, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon



This is my all-time favorite C-Drama hands down. For me I had not watched a Story-line and Cast in which I had loved everything so dearly. Before I started watching, I though 40 episodes were too much to continue and now I have re-watched it multiple times and is my go to drama for any day. It’s ending OST is very dear to my heart. Forever Nan Qiao-Shi Yue.

              Honorable Mention : My Id Is Gangnam Beauty


It’s hilarious to be honest. I started watching after its rating kept on spiking and trust me it was worth every minute. The awesome cast and funny sequences and funnier characters with a mix of action scenes it was the perfect blend.

      Honorable Mention : Someday Or One Day (C-Drama), Search WWW


( J-Drama)

It’s just been 4 months into the new year and a whole lot of drama awaits but for now this is my topmost drama I have watched. It’s the 1

          Honorable Mention : Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2

 [Picture Credit: MyDramaList]

   Looking forward for my other half a decade (to complete a decade). 
Excited for all the upcoming dramas I get to watch and congratulations to me for
 completing 6 months on a blogger’s journey.

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